Happy Friday PHE Families,
We want to extend a big thanks to all of our families and students who helped support the PTSA’s Super Mega Awesome Dance Party and the School Beautification events over the past week. We lucked out getting nice weather for both events amid a week of rain and snow storms. It was so much fun seeing students dance their hearts out yesterday after their hard-earned efforts at fundraising over the past few weeks. We’re also grateful for the sweat and hard work that our volunteers put into the beautification event. The new trees, shrubs and pavers look terrific, and it was nice having so many families there to help out. A special thank you to our Facility Manager, Chuck Wiesbrook, who graciously came on his day-off to open up the school and helped out all day!
Thanks everyone for the continued support and a special shout out to the PTSA team for organizing these events!
-PHE Staff
Last week of school
We will have a busy last week of school. Please note the Kindergarten and 5th grade celebrations. Friday, June 2 is an early dismissal day. Breakfast will be available for students that morning, but there will be no lunch served. Please watch for communications from homeroom teachers for specifics.
Monday, May 29: Memorial Day (No school)
Thursday, June 1: Kindergarten and 5th Graduation
Friday, June 2: Early dismissal (11:30am)
Reminder: YMCA Signup for 2023/24 Before and After School care opens this month
- Registration for YMCA members and currently-enrolled OST participants April 24, 2023
- Registration for all others May 1, 2023
- Registration and more info can be found on the YMCA website
Reminder: Summer tutoring
The office has a list of staff members who have some availability to do summer tutoring. Times, compensation and other details will need to be coordinated by families and the staff members as this is not part of any DPS/PHE program.
Reminder: School Choice Update
Round 2 of SchoolChoice opened at 10am on April 28. Round 2 applications are processed first-come, first-serve. There is no lottery in Round 2, but priorities are given. If the school has available space, your student will be approved and enrolled for next year. If a waitlist exists, your student will be added to the list in date and time order within your given priority, so waitlist positions may change up or down. If your student is accepted to a school in Round 2, any Round 1 school assignment is relinquished. You will remain on waitlists for any higher-ranked schools.
Reminder: Mark you calender: 4th & 5th Grades Present A Visual Art and Music Collaboration of ‘Moon Dance’
Wednesday May 3rd: Thursday May 4th:
Cowen 5pm Ferguson 5pm
Ash 6pm Mills 6pm
Wednesday May 10th: Thursday May 11th:
Orth 5pm Demos 5pm
Goloskewitsch 6pm Euser 6pm
**All performers should wear as much black clothing as possible and meet 15 minutes prior to showtime in their homeroom. Friends and family are welcome to take a seat in the auditorium at this time.
Community: May PHNEE Newsletter
We at Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education share many of the concerns of our neighbors after the recent shooting at East High School. School safety is critical and, in our view, goes way beyond protecting students and staff from guns. Read the opinion piece, “School Safety: It’s not only about guns,” and listen to a podcast from our friends at Integrated Schools about the same topic. You can read the entire newsletter here.
Absolutely incredible! Park Hill Elementary Students have SMASHED their fundraising goal of $35,000 and brought home a total of $48,119! (Fun fact: This could purchase 4,009 Squishmellows!)
Please take the time to pass on our sincere gratitude for all of their hard work. Congratulations!
May 5th Doughnut party winners:
ECE: Morning
K: Miller
1st: Harris
2nd: Kline
3rd: Main
4th: Goloskewitsch
5th: Ash
Check out the WEEKLY WINNERS by clicking on these links:
We also want to give a shout out to all of our amazing volunteers! Thank you to all of our weekly classroom coin drop counters who now all need a manicure. The ladies who transformed ordinary table clothes into tassel garland. Mr. Dennis who treated our kids to pizza and slushes. Everyone who lent a hand on the day of the dance party. Our “principals for the day” who kept all of the adults on task. And finally the one and only DJ Shawn Astrom!(I am looking forward to hosting DJ Bion and DJ Arlo soon)
As always, it takes a village, and we’d love to add some more folks to our committee next year. If you are interested in joining the SMADP crew, please email us at: smadp@parkhillptsa.com
❤️ SMA Dance Party Crew: Shannon & Megan
We’re Bringing SEXY Back!
Pizza, that is!
Just a reminder that Tuesday, May 9th is our final Restaurant Night Out (RNO) with Sexy Pizza. Sexy Pizza Park Hill (2846 Fairfax St.) is donating 20% of all the day's sales (11am to close), merchandise, and gift card purchases to Park Hill Elementary. Order pickup or delivery on May 9th and 20% of your order will go to our school! Find the menu and place an order at https://sexy.pizza/menu/.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week will be May 8-12. Room Parents will be in touch with more info as we get closer.
Earth Day Events
A shout out and thank you for a successful School Beautification project and recycling event! A few photos below:
Park Hill Night at the Rapids
Tickets sold out, and we raised over $400 for the school, while supporting our Colorado Rapids! Go Rapids! Go Panthers!
If you haven’t paid already, please log in to iheartparkhill.com or check your email for your statement. Payment can be made on the auction website or brought to the PHE office. Outstanding invoices will be run automatically on Mon 5/1 using the card provided at registration.
