Happy Friday Park Hill Families,
Thank you to our amazing PTSA team for organizing this year's PHE Auction. Last Friday's auction raised a total of $241,000!! These funds will support our teachers and staff by allowing us to maintain the paraprofessionals, nursing, and mental health staff at the school. We feel these resources are critical to our educational mission and continue providing support for our students. We are all humbled by the generosity of our incredible Park Hill community and, as always, so thankful for our amazing partnerships with all of you.
- Ken Burdette, Principal
Anti-Idling Campaign
Our school is initiating an Engines Off anti-idling campaign! Going forward, we ask that all persons operating vehicles at or near the school turn off their engine when parked for more than 10 seconds. Turning your engines off will protect our students from harmful vehicle emissions.
Vehicles with internal combustion engines (non-electric cars) release hundreds of compounds while running – even while the car is stationary, or idling. When many cars are concentrated, like on a road, or at our schools Kiss-N-Drop, hotspots of air pollution are created. In fact, every minute that a car idles, it emits enough emissions to fill 150 balloons with harmful pollutants, including cyanide, nitrogen oxides and PM2.5.
Many of the air pollutants released from idling vehicles are toxic, and others react with other compounds and UV rays to form ground-level ozone pollution. These pollutants aggravate asthma and allergies and can cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, children are more sensitive to idling air pollution because they breathe 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults. Idling cars are a public health threat to our students.
So, going forward, please remember to turn off your engine when your car is stopped for longer than 10 seconds wherever you are, but especially at school.
Equity Corner
Thanks to all the students and families that have participated in the MARADE and Black Children’s Book week. Our Kinder and 1st grade students braved the elements to meet up with other Park Hill community schools to celebrate the life and message of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We’re thankful for all of the support and students enjoyed both events!
Grades Available for Term 2
Second term grades are now available for your children through the Parent Portal link at https://myportal.dpsk12.org/. Make sure to click on Term 2 to get the most current grades. Questions about specific grades should be directed to the appropriate teacher. If you need your child’s student ID number (it is the same as their Chromebook logins so many students have them memorized) you can contact the front office. Here’s a quick tutorial if you have questions.
Add funds to your child’s lunch account
Our lunch manager passed along that many students are requesting 2nd lunches. Please make sure to add funds to your child’s myschoolbucks.com account. If you do not wish your child to have a 2nd lunch, please discuss this with your student.
Families with students having a 504 or IEP plan
There is an amazing opportunity to Learn How to Support Your Child provided by the FACE department! These trainings are to support all families in navigating 504 and IEP meetings and give you the skills to fully understand and be active participants in your child's individualized education. Please register, food and childcare are provided! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NWBYQHG Where: NNE Community Hub at Smith March 14 from 3:30-6 - Training 1: How Special Education Works: What are the Rules? March 19 from 3:30-6 - Training 2: How Does the IEP Work?"
Reminder: School Supply Drive for Newcomer Students
In conjunction with the teachers union, we are joining forces to support our students by organizing a Newcomer Student Support Supplies Drive. Park Hill Elementary has been asked to collect headphones and reusable water bottles (links are just suggestions - lightly used/new condition please). There will be donation boxes by the front door and outside room 102 (across from the music room) or you can ship them directly to the school. Please feel free to donate other items listed that other schools are gathering - here. If you have any questions, contact erica_atchison@dpsk12.net.
Mindfulness at PHE
This week’s Mindfulness practice demonstrates how our emotions go up and down, in and out, ebb and flow, like a balloon being blown up and deflated. This week's video, Tune In: (You can find it HERE). This Mindfulness meditation is about focusing and tuning in to our inner quiet space. True multitasking is a myth and this exercise supports children in re-focusing on their breath despite different sounds (tones) being played that might distract them from focusing on a calming breathing pattern. This is a great practice to do before starting school for the day, after recess, or prior to a test. You can access the entire video library HERE. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at SustainableThree@gmail.com or #303-898-9496. Liz Rutledge
Park Hill AUCTION: Recap
Thank you so much to our Park Hill Community! You really showed up for the kids!
Our 20th Park Hill Elementary School auction was a huge success, with all signs pointing toward a record fundraising year! Numbers are still coming in, but we’re currently looking at gross totals around $241,000! Considering our goal was to net $150K, I think it is safe to say YOU CRUSHED IT PARK HILL!
Our silent auction catalog will remain open through the weekend. This is your last chance to check out remaining items, Buy a Shares and Teacher Time, as well as making any final donations. Auction Website
We’d love your feedback on how to continue to improve the auction experience for our guests. If you registered, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help us make next year’s auction even better! Auction Survey
ATTENTION: 2024-25 Call for Board Service!
It's hard to believe it's already that time! We are specifically searching for a Treasurer and a VP. The treasury is run by co-treasurers, and you will spend your 1st year learning, and the 2nd year training the next incoming co-treasurer. The VP spends the 1st year learning the board functions and the 2nd year as President. If you're interested in PTSA Board Service, email us to discuss! board@parkhillptsa.com. Link to the Nomination Form
The PHE yearbook committee is interested in collecting a variety of photos to include in this year's Park Hill Elementary School Yearbook. We want candid shots of students having fun, learning, and attending fun activity days like field trips and events on the blacktop! Scroll through those pictures of holiday class parties, field trips, etc and send us your photos by Friday, March 15th!
We will likely receive more photos than we can place in the yearbook. The committee will prioritize the following:
Clear, shots of children
multiple students in the shot (our committee is committed to showing diversity and inclusion in these photos)
We prefer jpeg format for your pictures
Please submit no more than 5 photos per family due to space considerations. Please label the photos with grade level / activity so that we use the photos in the correct spaces as appropriate! If you have children in more than 1 grade in a photo, please include each grade represented.
Please email all photos to yearbook@parkhillptsa.com. Thank you for your help! - The 2023-24 Year Book Committee
Restaurant Night Out:
Thanks to all who supported Nuggs on Tuesday! Our Next RNO is March 12th, Esters Oneida park
PTSA Calendar:
March 11th: PTSA Meeting, 5:30, school library: 2024-25 Board Election!
March 12th: Esters RNO
March 15th: Coffee with Ken, 8:20, school cafeteria
April 8: GB Fish and Chips RNO
April 22 & 23: Chook RNO
April 26th: SMADP