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Panther Pages, October 20, 2023


Happy Friday Park Hill Families,

THANK YOU for your support at our Movie Night / Direct Giving Event. First and foremost, it was a wonderful community event, and brought many students and many families together for a fun night. Second, we raised a great deal of money … over $38,000!!! Thank you for your tireless support of our school, our students, and our staff. We could not do this work without our family partnerships.

Ken Burdette,


Halloween Parade Information

Date: Tuesday 10/31

* Parade starts at 1:45 (3rd-5th) and 1:50 (PreK-2nd)

* Parade will start through the Basketball court, head South towards 17th, and proceed around the perimeter of the school in a clockwise motion.

* Students may come to school in their "base" costumes. Any accessories (make-up, cape, inflatable) may be put on 15 minutes prior to the parade.

* Costumes - No weapons, no gore. Only wear masks when outside for the Parade - not to be worn inside.

* Parents should not come into the room prior to the Parade unless specifically invited by the teacher. Parents may come after the Parade for class parties

* Food for parties should be pre-packaged with ingredients on the label.

* Ms. Nonino is doing a Flash Mob with 5th graders at the onset of the Parade.

Photo Retakes

We will have picture retakes on Tuesday October 24th in the morning. If your student missed the original picture days or you would like to get their photos retaken, they can get their photo retaken at that time. Please return your photo packets if you would like to get retakes.

Solo Parent Group

Passing along a parent message: Park Hill parent, Aaron Dollarhide, is looking to set up a solo-parent get together. If you might be interested, please reach out to Aaron at

Mindfulness at Park Hill

Hello Park Hill Panther Teachers and Parents! This week we are "Finding Our Base" - a great technique to remove distracting thoughts. Students are encouraged to repeat to themselves (in their minds): "I'm breathing in" when they breathe in/inhale and "I'm breathing out" when they breathe out/exhale. One student said that she usually cannot stop the distracting thoughts and this exercise helped her quiet her mind. It is very powerful and can support students in not only being able to focus amid distractions, but also experience intuitive insights or "lightbulb" moments.

As a supplement to the in-person sessions, you can watch the video "Finding Your Base” with them. You can access the entire video library HERE. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at or #303-898-9496. ~"Miss Liz"

Liz Rutledge

Middle School Tours

Some schools have already started tours! Here’s a list of commonly attended middle schools for PHE 5th graders to consider. This is by no means comprehensive though so please do your research!

Bill Roberts K-8 school Denver Green School -(720)424-7480


Direct Giving Party & Movie Night - Wrap-up!

What a success! Thanks to you, not only did we have a great night of food, laughter and cinema, but we blew away our fundraising goal! We raised a total of $38,523!



In celebration of 130 years of Park Hill Elementary, join us for a curated, multi-course dinner on Sunday Nov 5th, hosted by Park Hill parent owned Tessa Delicatessen, and your very own PHE Principal Ken Burdette. We will dine and cheers to 130 years of PHE excellence. Tickets are $130 each, and a portion goes back to our school! Seating will be limited.

Reminder: Park Hill Night at the Rapids tomorrow!

Call for Committee Service!

We’re contacting volunteers this coming week, but you can still get involved if you want!

School Directory - Information needed!

Fill out this form to help us generate class lists and a school directory. You get to choose how and where your info gets shared.

2023 - 2024 PTSA Calendar

  • There will be NO PTSA Meeting in October, but we will be contacting those who expressed interest in committee volunteerism.

  • Saturday October 21st: Park Hill Night at the Rapids

  • Nov 5th: 130 celebration dinner at Tessa (tickets required)

  • Feb 23rd 2024: The Park Hill Elementary School Auction!

  • April 26th: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party!

Members’ corner:

Sorry for the delay - The current year Budget will be sent out this coming week for final approval. We have made some adjustments post audit to reflect actual revenues and expenses recently seen. You’ll receive a budget summary and a fillable form for voting.

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School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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