THINGS I NEED TO KNOW about 5th grade
Technology: Cell phones AND Smart watches will not be allowed in the classroom. Students will either keep the device in their locker or it can be given to their classroom teacher in the morning and will be given back at the end of the day.
Field Trips: Happen monthly: Clyfford Still Museum, Nature & Science Museum, Young AmeriTowne, Courtrooms to Classrooms Mock Trial, Capitol Tour, Women’s History Museum, etc.
Balarat: An overnight outdoor field trip for all of 5th grade
Dates: We will let you know the dates as soon as we are told
Parent night for more info: TBD
These are our biggest communication tools! We ask that you review and sign them every night. They will have an overview of the day’s learning as well as any homework due the following day.
Reading: 30 minutes every night
Math: 2-3 times per week
5th graders are responsible for their plans. They should report this to their homeroom teacher and give a high-five, handshake, etc. before leaving for the day. For example: bus, car, pickup, walk, bike
Daily Routine
Please bring a healthy snack and water bottle every day. Bring a sweatshirt/extra layers to leave in their locker. Extra clothing can be left in lockers and retrieved at the end of the year.
School Work Focus
Math: fractions, multiplication & division, decimals
Science: Objects in Space, Water Cycle/Weather, Ecosystem Restoration, Mixtures and Solutions
English/Language Arts: Critical reading and response, book clubs, CKLA
Social Studies: Native America, Colonial Era, American Revolution, Voting Rights, Personal/Financial Literacy
Choice projects
All fifth graders will engage in a passion project where they can research and present the topic of their choosing.
In the event of an emergency, please contact the school or homeroom teacher…not your child
Each teacher will communicate individually with how we would prefer to be reached (email, text, etc.)
Fifth grade will be filled with joy and fun as well as more independence in school all in preparation to be high achieving, incredible middle schoolers!
**Please send in boxes of tissues all year**
Our Team:
Roger Ash
Craig Ferguson
Eric Cowen
Serri Mills
Para: Rachel Novak, Catherine Powers, Kevin Scott
Student Teachers: Maddie Perry & Maggie Compagnoni