Building Bright Futures
At Park Hill, we are dedicated to growing the whole child, not simply focusing on academic standards. We discuss these ideas and what they mean at our monthly assemblies, then encouraging the students to carry the standards with them throughout the year in measurable ways.
Interested in a school tour?
Our school tour video is posted on the Home page of the website.
We offer school tours at different times throughout the year. Please check the PTSA events section on the Home page to find the next tour date.
Growing With the Neighborhood
Park Hill School has been a fixture in the neighborhood dating all the way back to 1893. Starting out as a one room schoolhouse on 18th Ave and Forest Parkway (originally Fir Street) and continuing to grow over the years along with the surrounding community, Park Hill School has served the educational needs of generations of Park Hill families.
Today, we offer a robust educational curriculum for children in the Early Childhood Education program continuing through the 5th grade. Park Hill primary grade teachers are supported by numerous support staff, intervention teachers, 'specials' teachers (including art, dance, drama, music, physical education, and Spanish language instruction), mental health supports, and amazing parent volunteers.
(photo courtesy of Denver Public Library)

Only as strong as our community
Park Hill Elementary has thrived over the years due to the strong relationship between school members and the surrounding community. Our PTSA works on bridging gaps and bringing our amazing community together to champion the experience for all students at Park Hill. Parents and guardians volunteer their time and efforts to help support various events, classroom activities and outreach.
The Collaborative School Committee (CSC), which includes faculty, parents and community representatives, works together to improve the education of the children at our school by providing “strategic direction in support of the school’s mission and vision, as outlined in the School Improvement Plan.”