Happy Friday PHE Families:
Hope everyone had an enjoyable Spring Break and are back in the swing of things for the final stretch of the school year. These next 2 months will be very busy - performances, field trips, CMAS, Field Day, SMADP, graduations, and more!
This coming Monday, 4/8, Colorado will experience the Solar Eclipse. We have ordered ISO certified glasses for students to wear when they are outside at recess. If you know you will be absent that day to observe the Eclipse as a family, please let me know ahead of time.
Thank you, and have a great weekend.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
CMAS testing next week (for Grades 3-5)
Please try and make sure your 3rd-5th grade students are present for the upcoming CMAS testing. These tests occur Tuesday through Thursday of the next 2 weeks (April 9-11 & 16-18).
Reminder: No YMCA on Monday, April 8
The YMCA has a Professional Development day on Monday, April 8. Families that participate in YMCA care need to plan accordingly.
Anti-Idling Campaign
Transportation is one of the greatest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Denver and the country! Reduce unnecessary emissions by turning your engine off when your car is stationary, especially near school.
PHE 2nd Annual Earth Day Beautification Project - April 21st
Our school's 2nd annual event is coming up in two short weeks! Join us on Sunday, April 21st from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm to help plant new trees and spruce up existing spaces. Bring the whole family to volunteer as we need all of the help we can get to make an impact on our beautiful school.
Please bring your shovels, wheelbarrows, trowels, and rubber mallets (if you have!). Refreshments and a water refill station provided, but remember to wear a hat and garden gloves.
Artists (and the art inclined!) needed to paint our fun hopscotches that are fading away.
Can't come the whole time? Come for however long you can - even an hour is great!
Can't come but still want to help? This year we need bags of tree planting soil, which can be purchased at Home Depot or a local garden store. (Drop off Fri 4/19 or bring to event day of)
Volunteer sign up link here --> https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084CABA723A57-48867495-earth
3rd & 4th Grade Performance Set Design
The third and fourth grade drama class Greek mythology plays in April are in need of some additional set pieces and props. Please review the sign up genius to see if there is something you could provide. Thank you to all parents who have already contributed! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080F45AAAA2BABFD0-47601417-greek#/
Street Sweeping starts this month
Please be aware that street sweeping begins this month in Denver. Specifically, the streets around PHE are swept (and cars ticketed) on the 3rd week of the month.
Community: Colorado Children’s Chorale
Children entering 2nd-5th grades, who like to sing and perform, should sign up today! No experience necessary & tuition assistance available.
Below are directions for ordering your 2023-24 PH Yearbook:
Purchase a Park Hill Elementary yearbook here. (You will need to create an account and enter your name and select your role as "Parent" or login using your account from last year.)
PH yearbook cost is $32.33
Deadline for ordering a yearbook is Friday, 4/26
*Please consider donating an extra book or two for a student who cannot afford one. Our goal is to provide as many students, and all graduating students, a yearbook!
Parents of 5th graders may also opt to order a tribute (Treering calls this a "recognition ad") for their graduating student. Tributes are for 5th graders only. There is a helpful attachment meant to guide parents attached to this email to help with accessing the tribute and a photo and text are both permitted.
Super Mega Awesome Dance Party!
It’s time to get our dancing shoes on and launch the Super Mega Awesome Fundraiser!
This week, the Student Leadership Committee has been in your student’s classroom to talk about the fundraiser and how it works. This fundraiser is student-led but depending on the age of your child they might need a little guidance once they get home. That is where we need YOUR HELP as a parent. Attached you will find an extra flyer and a social media post (for parents to share) with all of the information you need to know to get started. Today your student will also bring home a paper version of this flyer and a cool water bottle sticker.
If you have collected a cash donation, you can have your child drop it into the “coin drop” in the classroom.
Super Mega Awesome Dance Party! (cont)
Donation Website: app.memberhub.gives/smadp2024
Digital Student Flyer: https://qrco.de/bevREN
Social Media Post: https://qrco.de/SMADP24
Please reach out to the SMA Dance Party Crew with any questions: smadp@parkhillptsa.com
Volunteers Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084CABA723A57-47640001-super
Restaurant Night Out:
Our next RNO will be with GB Fish and Chips on MONDAY!!
April 8! Come to the PTSA meeting, and pick up dinner on the way home!
Park Hill Night at the Rapids!
Following an in-person assembly featuring our very own Rapids players, students brought home fliers about the next Park Hill Night at the Rapids, Saturday April 20th! If you don’t have the flier, the info is below:
PTSA Calendar:
April 8: GB Fish and Chips RNO
April 8th: PTSA Meeting, 5:30 library
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pfv-vqou-kwm
April 12th: Coffee with Ken, 8:20 cafeteria or playground
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/uju-xubp-rhs
April 13 - 14: COPTA Annual Convention
April 20: Park Hill Night at the Rockies
April 22 & 23: Chook RNO
April 26th: SMADP