This week's Panther Pages includes:
Note from Principal Burdette
Chromebook and Chargers - please return
School Lunch and Free Breakfast Information
Recess Request
Activity Fee Reminder
Parking and Biking to School notes
2021-22 Yearbook pickup
Recorder orders (4th and 5th grade only)
Girls on the Run (3rd-5th grade only)
5th Grade Talent Show - Request for Committee volunteers
Montview Conservatory for the Arts Classes
Park Hill Pack 286
PTSA - Notes, News, Volunteering information, and upcoming meetings and events
Happy Friday Park Hill families,
Thank you for your partnership in making this first week a success. Overall, things ran relatively smoothly, students were engaged and joyful, and our families were collaborative in supporting our school community. I’m also very appreciative of the efforts our staff made to ensure a great first week back.
As we transition into our second week, we asked for your continued partnership and patience as we build a strong culture and strong learning environment at Park Hill. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. You can also find us outside each morning and each afternoon.
Hoping you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. We will see you back here on Monday.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
Chromebooks (and Chargers)
Thanks to all of our families that have returned their Chromebooks and chargers from over the summer. If you have not yet done so, please return both to the classroom (or bring them to the front office) as soon as possible so your student can use them this school year and to avoid being charged for these devices. If your student came from another DPS school please bring the supplied Chromebook to Park Hill.
School Lunch and Free Breakfast information
As a reminder, we are no longer able to offer free lunches due to the expiration of federal grants. You can add funds to your child’s school lunch account at The application for free and reduced lunches can be found at
Breakfast is free each morning during school days! The cafeteria is open at 7:50am for students.
Recess Request
We are asking that students not bring certain items to school for use at Recess and Brain Break. These items specifically include Pokemon cards and electronics. We will provide recess equipment, books (if a student wants to read), and other items for these blocks of time. Unfortunately with Pokemon cards, despite the best intentions, these cards end up damaged, lost, "stolen", an unfair trade, etc. In addition, we want students to use this time to play and to get some exercise. If you need to bring an item(s) to school for use after school, please hand these to the teacher in the morning for safe keeping, and the student will collect them at the end of the day.
Activity Fees
Thank you to all of our families that have paid their student’s activity fees. Payment can be made on the PTSA website, or please bring cash or checks (Payable to ‘Park Hill PTSA’) to the school office for $45/student. Contact Ann in the office for scholarship requests.
Parking and Biking to school
Please try and help Park Hill be a good neighbor to all of our community. Please ensure you are not blocking alleys, driveways or using handicapped spots at drop off and pick up. We have ample bike parking on campus. We encourage students to bring a bike lock if parking on campus to deter thefts. Kiss and Drop is scheduled to start the week of Sept 4.
2021-22 school year Yearbooks
Yearbooks are available for students that ordered one last year and can be picked up in the front office. The PTSA is planning to have a signing party for continuing 5th graders from last year - stay tuned for details.
Recorder orders for 4th and 5th grade
Your student will learn how to play the soprano recorder in music class this year. Each student will need a recorder beginning in October. If you are interested in purchasing a recorder through the school, please bring $5.00 cash or check payable to Park Hill School to Ms. Ann in the office by FRIDAY, September 9th. Please reach out to Ms. McClelland if you need help covering costs or have questions. Here is the model we are using: Yamaha YRS-24B Ivory 3-Piece Soprano Recorder w/Standard Fingering
Girls on the Run - 3rd-5th grade only!
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Times: 3:25-4:55 pm (meet in gym immediately after school)
Starting date: Monday, Sept 12th - Monday, Nov 14th
5K race: Sunday, Nov 13th at City Park
Registration: Due to the popularity of the program, we are opting for a new registration process for the upcoming season. In order to be fair for all girls and busy families, we will be doing a lottery for registrations. Registration will remain open from Friday, August 26th at 9 am, until Monday, August 29th at noon. Your girl will automatically be placed on a waitlist, and you will be notified if your student was selected for the program by Wed, August 31st.
Scholarships available! Fill out the form (at the end of this post) and send it in before registration starts.
5th Grade Talent Show - Parent Volunteers needed
The 5th grade talent show is a cherished tradition at Park Hill that is run by a committee of volunteers. Our previous committee has continued on to middle school, and we are in need of establishing a new one! Please reach out to Ms. McClelland if you are interested, and please help spread the word.
Montview Conservatory for the Arts Classes
Montview Conservatory for the Arts will be offering Orff music classes and ‘Acting Up’ theatre classes.
-Two Orff music classes, (one for preschool students and another for children in grades K-2), will begin on Thursday, 22 SEP and will run for 12 weeks, through the 2nd week of December. (Registrations accepted through 19 SEP 2022).
-A free introductory Orff music class for grades PK-2nd will be offered on Thursday, 15 SEP from 5:00-5:40 in classroom #205 at Montview Blvd Presbyterian Church.
-Two ‘Acting Up’ classes, (one for kids in 3rd -5th grades, and another for kids in 6th-8th grades), will begin in the first week of October and run for seven weeks, finishing before Thanksgiving week. (Registrations accepted through 26 SEP 2022).
-Individual audition coaching sessions for experienced actors are available by private arrangement.
We are requiring that all participants be COVID vaccinated.
For more information on class content and registration, go to our website at For questions, contact Heidi Shriver: or 303-358-0182.
Come join Park Hill's Pack 286 for a campout !
YOU AND YOUR CHILD ARE INVITED TO COME LEARN ABOUT SCOUT MEMBERSHIP. Boys and Girls, Kindergarten through 5th Grade, are invited to join current members and leadership of Pack 286 at our annual Family Campout. Come up for the day or campout overnight Parents and guardians can learn about our pack, ask questions about scouting, and obtain details about membership for the upcoming school year. We will be camping just outside of Winter Park, CO at the Midlands Campground. Lots of Activities and Fishing! Questions? Call Shaun (303)229-0674 or email
Park Hill Elementary PTSA
About US
The Park Hill PTSA is a volunteer-based service organization with two goals:
Bridge the gap between school and home by building community.
Raise funds to cover educational necessities that the district (DPS) does not cover. In addition to covering costs to better the school itself, our efforts in fundraising support essential school workers and programs that benefit our teachers and children.
Thank You
We want to start off the year by thanking everyone who joined us for the new family happy hour and lemonade social! We’d especially like to thank our volunteers who helped make the event wonderful. These events would not be possible without the incredible people who take pride in helping our students and school. Their dedication makes every event and social gathering a success!
Website & Newsletter
As you may have noticed, we are attempting to streamline our communications. Rather than having a separate website and newsletter for you to look at, we are combining them with the school. Our new tab on the school website should have all of the pertinent links you need throughout the year. You can visit the website here.
Things to Remember
Set-up Cashback programs: Amazon Smiles, King Soopers & Givebacks
Volunteers Needed
Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents while supporting our students, school, and staff!
Room Leaders/Parents: Thank you to all the parents that have already signed up to be involved with your student’s class and support our teachers (you don’t have to sign up again). However, we still have quite a few classrooms that still need volunteers. Please volunteer here.
Yearbook Committee: Capture moments throughout the year and put them together for an amazing collection of school memories
Crosswalk Monitors: Volunteer to help keep our children safe by helping with the traffic flow at drop off/pickup
Meetings & Events
PTSA sponsored events:
10/07/22 | Direct Giving/Movie Night
03/03/23 | The Park Hill School Auction and party
PSTA Meetings:
Everyone is invited to join us at our monthly PTSA meetings. They are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30pm in the library. Childcare is provided.
Our first meeting is Monday, Sept 12th!
Our next meeting will be Monday, October 10th
Coffee with Ken:
It’s a wonderful way to connect with our Principal, ask questions, learn about the school, and meet other parents!
Our first coffee will be Friday, September 16th!
Our next coffee will be Thursday, October 13th due to the October break
