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Panther Pages, December 8, 2023


Greetings Park Hill Families:

This is a busy time around the school but I wanted to point out some of the great work our students are doing at school and in our community.  Our 4th and 5th graders wrapped up their Warm Fuzzies campaign to help our homeless neighbors on Colfax.  They were able to collect a huge pile of supplies during the drive and we are thankful for everyone's support. Mr Ferguson’s 5th grade students spent a chunk of their Thanksgiving break and other free time over the past few weeks to work on a student-led grant (for more bike racks).  They worked incredibly hard to put this together and we hope to get positive news after the Holiday break. Finally, a special thanks to Mr. Wink (para in Ms Neale’s homeroom) who organized and directed the Alice in Wonderland show. We had a huge crowd that came out to support the student performance!

Next week will be the last opportunity to participate in our gift card drive for families who can use a bit more support in our PHE community.  We are collecting gift cards to King Soopers, Safeway, Target, and Walmart ideally in $20 or $30 increments.  If you are a family who could use some extra support this holiday season, or know of a family in need, please confidentially contact me or the office team for further assistance.  We are here to support you and any family.  

Ken Burdette,  Principal

Equity Corner

How Detroit community groups are helping schools chip away at chronic absenteeism

Book Drive

The PTSA organized an online Book Fair at The Bookies which opens today! More details can be found in the PTSA section below.  The library is open for students and classes are starting to check out books again after our librarian retired this past year.  

YMCA Holiday Break Offerings

The YMCA will be offering care over the holiday break on December 18th-21st, and December 26th-29th and January 2nd!  If this sounds like something you will be interested in, please sign up here (Out of School Time Care Registration). 


  • University Hills YMCA

  • Southwest YMCA

  • Downtown YMCA

  • Glendale YMCA

Times:  6:30AM-6:00PM

Closure Dates:  December 22nd, 25th, January 1st

Price:  $50.00 per day

Late Registration: Please note that registration closes a week prior to the day of care.  

Middle School Tours

You can learn more about McAuliffe Manual by clicking the links below:


Park Hill Auction - Feb 23rd 2024

WHY? This is the major fundraiser for Park Hill Elementary, which helps close the per-student budget gap for PHE, and directly supports our school’s ability to have paraprofessionals, intervention support staff, our nurse and mental health teams. 

This week’s asks: (note, these are also if you agree to the images being used at our auction and possibly our yearbook). Submit to THIS FOLDER or email

  1. Submit a short video of your child(ren) answering these questions: “What is Prom?” “How would you ask someone to Prom?” “What do you do at a dance?” and “What is your favorite thing about Park Hill Elementary?”  

  2. Submit pictures of school events:  i.e. Movie Night, Girls On The Run, Field Trips, Halloween, etc. 

AND… Your PROM PHOTO! Submit and be entered into a chance to arrive at OUR prom in a limo! Get those photos from your parents’ mantles and send them to:

Does anyone have a  contact at a local brewery, distributor or distillery? Contact our auction chairs and check out the website:                      2024 Auction Webpage 

Note: use the email above, not the one in the FAQ that went home.

Book Fair is OPEN!

Today is the day!! We’re partnering with The Bookies for an online book fair starting today, Dec 8th - Dec 17th; books can be purchased in person at the Bookies brick and mortar AND online through their website. Purchase for yourself, for gifts, and even purchase books off teacher wishlists, if they have shared one! Anything purchased during this sale using our special code (PHE2023) will be credited to the school, and 15% of sales will come back to PHE. (Fair can be found in the drop down on the website)    OR    Our school book fair link

Teacher Holiday Gifting

A letter outlining how to gift, as well as a school list of favorites for individual gifting,  should have come from your room leader.  

Note: Coffee with Ken canceled

Mr. Burdette will be unable to make next week’s coffee, so it will need to be canceled. Please direct questions to and we’ll pass those on to him. The PTSA meeting will be Monday the 11th, 5:30 in person and via Google Meet. 

2023 - 2024 PTSA Calendar

  • Dec 8-17: Book Fair; The Bookies

  • Dec 11th:  PTSA Meeting, School Library, 5:30 pm

  • Google Meet joining info:

  • Dec 15th: Coffee with Ken, 8:20, School cafeteria CANCELED

  • Feb 23rd 2024: The Park Hill Elementary School Auction!

  • April 26th: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party!

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Questions?  Please see our FAQ section.


School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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