Good morning PHE:
We are excited to roll-out our February Kindness Campaign. The student leaders at PHE will work with all classrooms and students to implement a month-long Kindness Campaign school-wide. Look for additional details in email, as well as asking your child at home what their student leaders and classmates are doing for the campaign.
Please take a moment to review the auction information in the PTSA section below to see the many ways that you can help out and make sure to put this important event on your calendar! Have a happy Friday!
Ken Burdette, Principal
Enrichments starting up & Openings
Most after-school enrichments will start next week. Please double check the schedule for your student’s particular enrichment as some schedules are different. We still have programs with a few openings. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so as soon as possible!
Reminder: Enrollment & Planning for 2024-25
Thank you to everyone that has updated their enrollment plans in the SchoolChoice system for next school year. As a reminder we are asking K-4th grade families to login to the new DPS SchoolChoice system (with your DPS ParentPortal email and credentials) and let us know plans for the 2024-25 school year.
As a reminder, all 5th grade students continuing on to middle school, incoming kindergarten and ECE-4 students or those looking to transfer to another DPS school should be making their DPS school elections in the SchoolChoice system as well.
The Choice window is open until February 12. If you’re running into issues feel free to reach out to the office or call the SchoolChoice hotline (720-423-3493).
Equity Corner
Update: Marade rescheduled to February 27
The annual Martin Luther King parade (Marade) for Pre-K, Kinder and 1st grade students has been rescheduled to February 27. The parade will start at Turtle (WH Ferguson) Park at 9:45am and from there make their way to Montview Church where Dr King spoke 60 years ago. Students will meet up with other students from Park Hill schools during the event. Parents are invited to participate! In solidarity with our Primary grades, our PHE students in grades 2-5 will march around the school perimeter that day at 10am.
Valentines Day Info
- Students may bring Valentines and pass out to classmates. Each student in the class should receive a Valentine if their child is going to do this.
- We are not dressing up in costumes, but festive attire is always welcome (ie - wearing red, hearts, valentines headbands, etc).
- If families have a spare set of Valentines, the office can always use a few extra sets in case other students aren’t able to participate but would like to
Reminder: YMCA Summer Camp
Sign up for YMCA summer camps opens to the general public on February 5. Park Hill will not be hosting a camp this year, but we are told there will be nearby camps at Palmer Elementary and Clayton Early Learning center. More information can be found at: https://denverymca.org/programs/youth-programs/summer-day-camp
Reminder: Looking to borrow umbrellas and butterfly wings for a performance
Ms. McClelland is looking to borrow child-size umbrellas (any graphics are fine) and butterfly wings! She needs approximately 30 of each if possible. If you are willing to lend something you have, please bring it labeled with your name and bring in ASAP. She will need them until March 14th. Thank you!
CMAS dates
Last month we sent out a note to 3rd-5th grade students about CMAS testing. This year testing will occur April 8-11 & 15-18. Please try to ensure your student is present during these dates if possible. As a reminder, if you do plan on excusing your student from CMAS, please do so in the Parent Portal by February 16.
Mindfulness at Park Hill
This week’s Mindfulness practice uses another helpful tool to aid in focus...Star Breathing. Our hands are shaped (sort of) like a star. We can use our hands and fingers as an anchor for breathing exercises and meditation. And, the best part is, we always have our lungs and hands with us!
As a supplement to the in-person sessions, you can watch the video "Star Breathing” with them. You can access the entire video library HERE. The benefits of Mindfulness are many including a calm classroom, more focused students, less anxiety and better performance with regards to tests. People who practice mindfulness find they are more kind and generous to their fellow humans. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at SustainableThree@gmail.com or #303-898-9496. ~"Miss Liz"
PTSA “Restaurant Night Out” TONIGHT
Get Dinner at Tessa on Friday 1/26!
Mention Park Hill when you order between 2pm and 8pm on Friday January 26th and 10% of those sales will come back to the school!
Support these local favorites and raise money for PHE! Share these with friends and neighbors as well:
February 7: Chop Shop
February 27: Nuggs
March 12th: Esters
April 8: GB Fish and Chips
You should be receiving an email with more details from your room leaders in the coming days.
New: VOLUNTEER FOR THE AUCTION! Volunteer for the event itself! We need folks to help with registration, selling, set up and clean up. Here’s a link to our sign up: Volunteer for Auction Here
Register! If you haven’t already, register now! Register Here
It is a free event but everyone who will attend will need to register separately. Our goal is that everyone is registered by Feb 1st!
Wine and liquor donations: In lieu of class baskets, we’re asking parents to donate bottles of wine of varying value for a fun game of chance -
Do you have a vacation home or second home you would donate for a weekend?
Do you have, or have access to, tickets to a Broncos, Avs, Nuggets, or Rockies sporting event, theater production or concert (remember Taylor Swift tickets that were raffled off last year)?
Other cool experiences you would solicit or donate yourself?
Have another idea or hot lead? An experience? Know a business owner? Contact auction@parkihillptsa.com and committee chair, Laurie Martin (lauriedotmartin@gmail.com).
All donations can be submitted through this form
Super Mega Awesome Dance Party: April 26

Committee Call: We could use one or two more yearbook folks, especially with younger kiddos. The ask: join for 2-3 meet ups this spring and help format photos in the yearbook program! Email president@parkhillptsa.com