Happy Friday PHE families,
As we dig out of the snow storm, I hope families have been able to find time to enjoy the snow with their kids. Stay safe and warm, and we will see students back on Monday!
Monday kicks off the start of Spirit Week! See the flyer below for each day’s theme!
-Ken Burdette, Principal
1st and 2nd Performance rescheduled
The performance originally scheduled for Thursday, March 14 which was canceled due to the snow day has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, March 20. The performance times will be the same.
Email Note
The district’s email system has been aggressively filtering out ‘spam’ messages. Unfortunately, that also means that many parent/guardian emails have been getting flagged incorrectly. Teachers and staff have been asked to regularly check their emails, but please reach out to staff if you’re not hearing back as soon as you would expect.
BESS Screening for 3rd-5th Grade
As part of our effort to support the Whole Child, our school will be implementing a universal social and emotional screening for students from April 1-5. Each student in 3rd-5th grade will complete the self-report version of the BESS here at school. The results will be analyzed by our school team and used to identify and support the social/emotional needs of our students as well as inform supports moving forward. If you have any questions, please reach out to Cat Sennott, School Psychologist, at Cathryn_sennott@dpsk12.net.
Equity Corner
PHNEE was pleased to host over 120 members of the community for our commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Keyes v. Denver Public Schools. If you missed it, you can watch a video of the event here or listen to a three-part podcast here. Check out our March newsletter here!
Anti-Idling Campaign
Remember to turn off your vehicle engines when picking up and dropping off your students. By not idling, you’re keeping harmful exhaust out of our school’s air. Less exhaust in the air will improve air quality and respiratory health in our community – starting with our students!
Mindfulness at PHE
This week we are reviewing the tools and techniques we have learned so far this year. Take your pick from the video library. You can access the entire video library HERE. The benefits of Mindfulness are many including a calm classroom, more focused students, less anxiety and better performance with regards to tests. People who practice mindfulness find they are more kind and generous to their fellow humans. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at SustainableThree@gmail.com or #303-898-9496. Liz Rutledge
Reminder: 3rd & 4th Grade Show times
April 24th: Connelly 5:00pm / Gates 6:00pm
April 25th: Main 5:00pm / Strumor 6:00pm
May 1st: Demos 5:00pm / Goloskewitsch 6:00pm
May 2nd: Euser 5:00pm / Orth 6:00pm
Students need to have their lines memorized and be off book by April 1st! No scripts will be allowed on stage after this date! Students need a costume! Please let Ms. Nonino know if you need help getting a costume for your student.
Reminder: Prospective Students for 2024-25
We have been informed that DPS intends to have School Choice Round 1 results published by March 22nd. ECE-4 Families can wait until they receive their Round 1 match and then complete the UPK pre-registration application by Thursday, March 28 in order to secure their UPK funding.
Class photos on April 2 and 3
Class photo day will be Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday, April 3. Packets to order will be sent home with students. You can also order online at mylifetouch.com. The Picture Day ID is EVT8D7KJM.
Park Hill AUCTION: Thank you so much to our Park Hill Community! You really showed up for the kids!
The numbers are in: we have grossed ~ $190k for Park Hill, to help us maintain the high level of programs that makes our school great! If you have not yet paid your invoices please do so as soon as possible. We’ll start to send out reminders next week. Thank you again! ~2024 Auction Committee
2024-25 Executive Board Elections!
Thank you to the members who voted online and at the PTSA meeting. Please congratulate your 2024-25 PTSA Executive Board!
Shannon Spezialy, President
Courtney Swearingen, VP
Gregg Cassarini, Treasurer
Lisa Sarno, Secretary
Note: we would love to still recruit another incoming Treasurer so that we 1. Have a succession plan and 2. Always have a second set of eyes on the finances.
You should have received an email through your room parents about submitting photos for the yearbook. Send your photos by end of weekend to yearbook@parkhillptsa.com. Thank you for your help! - The 2023-24 Year Book Committee
Restaurant Night Out:
Thanks to all who supported PHE and Esters this week! Our next RNO will be with GB Fish and Chips in April!
Coffee with Ken was canceled due to the DPS closure.
Our next Coffee with be Friday April 12th
Super Mega Awesome Wants You!
We’re looking for volunteers to help with our next big PTSA event: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party! Scan the QR code above or go to this link:
PTSA Calendar:
April 8: GB Fish and Chips RNO
April 8th: PTSA Meeting
April 12th: Coffee with Ken
April 22 & 23: Chook RNO
April 26th: SMADP