Happy Friday Park Hill Families,
Spring is right around the corner. With that we welcome school performances, field trips, and events like Field Day and the PTSA sponsored Super Mega Awesome Dance Party. It is a busy time of year for students and staff, but also fun opportunities to see some of the hard work our students put in during the year. Keep an eye out for communications home from homeroom, music and dance teachers about all the upcoming activities. Thank you to all the families that have come in to help support all the various events.
A quick reminder, that this weekend we set our clocks forward one hour on Sunday morning. Enjoy that extra hour of evening sunlight. Have a nice weekend!
- Ken Burdette, Principal
Prospective Students for 2024-25
We have been informed that DPS intends to have School Choice Round 1 results published by March 22nd. ECE-4 Families can wait until they receive their Round 1 match and then complete the UPK pre-registration application by Thursday, March 28 in order to secure their UPK funding.
Anti-Idling Campaign
Don’t forget to turn your engines off! Please turn off your engines when waiting for more than 10 seconds at school pick up and drop off. That way we can protect our students from harmful vehicle emissions.
Earth Day Beautification Event at PHE
Our school’s second annual Earth Day School Beautification Project is coming up next month! This year we will be planting more trees around the school and sprucing up our existing spaces. Bring the whole family along with your shovels, buckets, and wheelbarrows to school on Sunday, April 21, any time from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm. We need all the help we can get to make an impact on our beautiful school! More details to come.
Equity Corner
You know Ben Jacobs for co-founding Tocabe. But his mission to support healthy habits among Indigenous communities goes beyond food
News article highlighting amazing things that a PHE parent is doing for the community!
Reminder: Grades Available for Term 2
Second term grades are now available for your children through the Parent Portal link at https://myportal.dpsk12.org/. Make sure to click on Term 2 to get the most current grades. Questions about specific grades should be directed to the appropriate teacher. If you need your child’s student ID number (it is the same as their Chromebook logins so many students have them memorized) you can contact the front office. Here’s a quick tutorial if you have questions.
Mindfulness at PHE
This Mindfulness meditation is about simply taking three minutes to breathe. It's a bit of a throwback, but much needed when you just need a reset. This week's video is Take 3. You can access the entire video library HERE. The benefits of Mindfulness are many including a calm classroom, more focused students, less anxiety and better performance with regards to tests. People who practice mindfulness find they are more kind and generous to their fellow humans. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at SustainableThree@gmail.com or #303-898-9496. Liz Rutledge
3rd - 5th Grade - Skateboarding Unit at PHE
We are starting a skateboarding unit. We will be using helmets, wrist guards, and knee guards. I know there is some concern with students sharing helmets. There has never been a reported case of lice with the skateboarding helmets that are shared across the district. I did want to inform parents so that if your child does have lice or if you just want to be cautious, please feel free to bring your own helmet. Also, the helmets will be sprayed with a disinfectant between classes. Students will not be able to stand on the skateboard without wearing a helmet. Students are not allowed to bring their own skateboards. These are special skateboards that are designed for the gym floor. Why are we skateboarding in PE? Not all students enjoy team or competitive sports, but all students should be exposed to physical activities that they might find enjoyable. Skateboarding is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. It has been proven to increase balance, agility, coordination, and reaction time. Here are the dates that classes will be coming to PE to skateboard.
Wednesday, March 20th | Thursday, March 21st | Friday, March 22nd | Tuesday, April 2nd | |||
Wednesday, April 3rd | Thursday, April 3rd | Thursday, April 5th | Monday, April 8th | |||
Strumor - 3rd grade | Gates - 3rd grade | Main - 3rd grade | Connelly - 3rd grade | |||
Goloskewitsch - 4th grade | Orth- 4th grade | Demos - 4th grade | Euser - 4th grade | |||
Ash - 5th grade | Cowen - 5th grade | Ferguson - 5th grade | Mills - 5th grade |
If you DO NOT want your child to participate in the skateboarding unit, please return this form by Tuesday, March 19th; Reverse consent form. Thank you, Mrs. Horeis.
Summer Camp Ideas
https://digistarsworkshop.com/ - movie making, animation
http://www.denverwrites.org/summer-camp/ - creative writing
https://www.lighthousewriters.org/workshops?workshop_type=79&genre=All&level=All&session_type=29&field_session_location_tid=All&day=All&format=All&items_per_page=20 - creative writing, Lighthouse Writers
https://www.sweetridgestudios.com/summer-art-camps?utm_campaign=eb5a6f7a-b8ae-43ae-8d02-3f4c730437b6&utm_source=so - art, creativity (run by a former colleague of mine)
https://www.invent.org/programs/camp-invention – create, build, design, hands on
https://www.colorado.edu/sciencediscovery/programs/k-8-summer-camps - STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
www.unco.edu/sep - University of Northern CO Summer enrichment program
https://www.spacevoyage.com/ - space
https://yacenter.org/summer-camps/ - Young Americans
Reminder: 3rd & 4th Grade Show times
April 24th: Connelly 5:00pm / Gates 6:00pm
April 25th: Main 5:00pm / Strumor 6:00pm
May 1st: Demos 5:00pm / Goloskewitsch 6:00pm
May 2nd: Euser 5:00pm / Orth 6:00pm
Students need to have their lines memorized and be off book by April 1st! No scripts will be allowed on stage after this date! Students need a costume! Please let Ms. Nonino know if you need help getting a costume for your student.
Reminder: 1st & 2nd Grade Show times
Wednesday, March 13th:
Ms. Peterson & Ms. Kline @ 5pm (students meet in homeroom @ 4:40pm)
Ms. Wren & Ms. Holly @ 6pm (students meet in homeroom @ 5:40pm)
Thursday, March 14th:
Mr. Wiant & Ms. Goodwin @ 5pm (students meet in homeroom @ 4:40pm)
Ms. Harris & Ms. Oxman @ 6pm (students meet in homeroom @ 5:40pm)
Thank you for the supply donations for recently arrived out of county students!
Thank you for your water bottle and headphone donations over the past few weeks. These donations are going directly to schools to support students and families that have recently arrived in Denver.
Park Hill AUCTION: Thank you so much to our Park Hill Community! You really showed up for the kids!
The numbers are in: we have grossed ~ $190k for Park Hill, to help us maintain the high level of programs that makes our school great! If you have not yet paid your invoices please do so as soon as possible. We’ll start to send out reminders next week. Thank you again! ~2024 Auction Committee
ATTENTION: 2024-25 Call for Board Service!
It's hard to believe it's already that time! We are specifically searching for a Treasurer and a VP. The treasury is run by co-treasurers, and you will spend your 1st year learning, and the 2nd year training the next incoming co-treasurer. The VP spends the 1st year learning the board functions and the 2nd year as President. If you're interested in PTSA Board Service, email us to discuss! board@parkhillptsa.com. Link to the Nomination Form
We will present candidates to be voted on at the PTSA meeting THIS MONDAY, March 11th.
You should have received an email through your room parents about submitting photos for the yearbook. Send your photos by Friday, March 15th to yearbook@parkhillptsa.com. Thank you for your help! - The 2023-24 Year Book Committee
Restaurant Night Out:
March 12th, Esters Oneida park
Super Mega Awesome Wants You!
We’re looking for volunteers to help with our next big PTSA event: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party! Scan the QR code above or go to this link:
PTSA Calendar:
March 11th: PTSA Meeting, 5:30, school library: 2024-25 Board Election!
March 12th: Esters RNO
March 15th: Coffee with Ken, 8:20, school cafeteria
April 8: GB Fish and Chips RNO
April 22 & 23: Chook RNO
April 26th: SMADP