Happy Friday Park Hill parents and families,
I hope this message finds you doing well despite the sudden turn in temperatures and weather. We are eagerly looking forward to an exciting final two weeks of the school year. Thank you to all of the amazing students, teachers, and volunteers who have put our evening performances together over the past few weeks. Thank you parents for attending these events and applauding your student’s effort.
A reminder that our last day of school is Friday, June 3. This is a half-day and students are all released at 12:25pm. We do not serve lunch on this day.
Class lists will be posted at the school from 1-4pm on June 3, and again all day on June 6. More information will come by June 2 as class lists are finalized.
Wishing you all a great rest of May and end to the school year. Looking forward to celebrating the summer and all of our students’ achievements over the past school year at Park Hill.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
Lost and Found
Next Monday, May 23, we will pull out the school’s lost and found items to the back playground. Parents are encouraged to stop by and look through items. Parents can also stop by the school during regular hours to go through the lost and found as well if they are not able to make it on Monday. Unclaimed items will be donated over the summer.

Park Hill Equity Corner The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee in partnership with the Black Excellence Committee is working to gather some information to align our priorities and goals with those of our community members. It would be very helpful to our planning for next year, if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey: https://forms.gle/rGuz9xw8s1JHF6GP6 The survey is anonymous and will take about 3-5 minutes to complete. Our goal is to get feedback from as many parents as possible so that we can work to provide resources, activities and opportunities that are relevant and meaningful to all members of our PHE community. Thank you so much! If you would like more information about joining either of these committees please email margaret_bixby@dpsk12.org
Field day next week, Girls on the Run coaches needed, PE Updates:
Field day is scheduled for next week. Please have your student prepared for the weather with proper clothing (that can get wet), athletic shoes, and sunscreen. Parents are welcome to attend. Events will be occurring on the back playground and along Forest Parkway (maps below).
Field Day Times
May 24th : 3rd, 4th and 5th grades - 8:45-11:45 am
May 25th:
1st and 2nd grades - 8:45 to 10:45 am
Kindergarten - 2 to 3 pm
Arriving late to Field Day and want to find your child?
PE Classes
Wondering what has been happening in PE classes throughout the year? Check out pictures of PE on the links below!
Girls on the Run - Coach needed!
Interested in coaching Girls on the Run next year? What is Girls on the Run? Check out this website to learn more and then email the PE teacher, Mrs. Horeis at kcupp@dpsk12.net. Mrs. Horeis will give you more details about what is involved with coaching at Park Hill!
YMCA OST (before/after-school) program ends May 27
A reminder to families that use the YMCA before/after school program that their last day this spring is May 27. Please make appropriate childcare arrangements for the last week of school.
YMCA Out of School Time program in the Fall:
Here are the details we have at this time about the YMCA Fall before and after school care at PHE. We will continue to provide updates as we receive them.
Here’s what you need to know to plan ahead for 2022-2023 Out of School Time (before and after school care) Registration:
Registration will open on Monday, July 11
Locations are confirmed and a list can be found at denverymca.org.
We have a new registration system. You can take steps now to set up your account to ensure easier registration on July 11.
If you are new to YMCA OST – welcome! Please sign up for our “Interest List” so that we know to email you a reminder about registration. You can also set up your YMCA account ahead of time by following the steps above.
Summer Chromebooks updates & Opt-out option
DPS is encouraging all schools to send Chromebooks (including chargers) home this summer with students. In floating this idea by some parents, there was some hesitancy, as parents shared that they a) already have devices at home, b) do not want their kids on more screen time, and c) do not want to be financially responsible for the device and/or the charger should something happen (approx $280/device).
As parents, you can opt-out of this summer device program. If you wish to opt-out, please complete this very brief survey asap - https://forms.gle/CMQFAwYS9XNFL6Se9. Your quick response is appreciated as we plan and prepare for the summer. If you do wish to receive a device, you do not need to respond. Please note that you risk financial responsibility for the device should something break or get damaged.
PHE & PTSA website updates
The school and PTSA are looking to update the websites over the summer. If there are interested tech-savvy parents with website development experience we would appreciate their input and potential support. Currently we are looking for website platforms that would best suit the needs of the school and PTSA for all the various communications we post online to families. If you have any interest in helping, please reach out to bret_taber@dpsk12.net. Some compensation may be available as the project progresses.
Get Your Summer Passport!
PHNEE is excited to announce the second annual Summer Passport Program! This project provides a way for families to learn more about the Greater Park Hill neighborhood and its rich history through a FREE, fun, family-friendly, COVID-safe activity for kids, parents, grandparents, and community members.
It’s easy to participate! You can sign up here and we will send you a passport as soon as they are available. On the passport, you will find a map of key landmarks in GPH and activities that can be accomplished at each location. The map includes every elementary school and library in our neighborhood as well as a number of local businesses. Pick a location, walk, bike, or scoot on over, and perform the activity described on the passport or get a small prize from a participating business. You can then “stamp” your passport and move on to the next stop.
The project runs from June 4 - August 15 so you have plenty of time to get to each stop. When you have completed the passport you can take a picture of it and email it to info@phnee.org or drop it off at the PHNEE office at 1961 Holly St. If you visit all 5 schools, both libraries, and at least 3 businesses you will be entered into a drawing for Grand Prizes including tickets to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, gift certificates from Sexy Pizza and School of Breaking, a day pass to Elitch’s and much more!
Reminder: Early dismissal on last day of school
A reminder to families that Friday, June 3rd is an early dismissal day. The final bell will be at 12:25pm. Please make plans to pick up your student(s) at that time or meet their bus at the early dismissal time. There will be no lunch served that day. Kindergarten and 5th grade both end on June 2nd after their respective car parades (details below). ECE’s last day will be on June 2nd and will follow their normal schedules.
Opt-In for 2022-23 Bus Transportation NOW OPEN
The Transportation Opt-In Program is live now through June 30. If your student is eligible and requires DPS Transportation services for the 2022-23 school year, opt in via Parent Portal -- click here for instructions. If families do not opt in by the June 30 deadline, their student may experience a delay in service. See information above for Parent Portal help!
Students are eligible for bus transportation if Park Hill is their neighborhood school and they live greater than 1 mile from the school. Families that live outside the designated Park Hill boundaries are generally not eligible for bus services to Park Hill. Historically, Bus routes are made available just prior to the start of school in August. Questions? Email transportation@dpsk12.org.
Kindergarten Graduation Information
Parents are invited to participate in their children’s graduation from Kindergarten! Events will be outside on the back playground (weather permitting).
- Wednesday, June 1st from 8:40-9:25am for Neale and Kennedy
- Thursday, June 2nd from 8:40-9:25am for Miller and Maes
The Kindergarten Car Parade on June 2. Families are encouraged to participate along with their students in the car parade. Families can decorate their car (or bike) and circle around the school while their fellow students cheer their accomplishments. Children whose parents cannot attend will remain with their teacher.
Miller - 1:30 pm
Neale - 1:40 pm
Kennedy - 1:50 pm
Maes - 2:00 pm
Route: Cars should begin by turning off Montview Blvd onto Dahlia St (South) and proceed East along 19th Avenue to Fairfax St. Cars will then turn right (South) on Fairfax St. to continue the parade towards 17th Avenue to end the parade.
Additional Notes: Please adhere to the time slots of your child’s class to create a consistent traffic flow. However, siblings are welcome to come together at one time if easier. In addition, it would be helpful if you could write your child’s name on a sheet of paper or poster board and display through the front/right car window.
5th Grade Continuation Information
5th Grade Outdoor Presentations on June 2 (Parents can bring a chair or picnic blanket):
Cowen & Mills @ 9:00am
Ash, Ferguson @ 9:45am
The 5th grade car parade will start @ 10:50am:
- Cowen - 10:50 am
- Mills - 11:00 am
- Ash - 11:10 am
- Ferguson - 11:20 am
Route: Cars should begin by turning off Montview Blvd onto Dahlia St (South) and proceed East along 19th Avenue to Fairfax St. Cars will then turn right (South) on Fairfax St. to continue the parade towards 17th Avenue to end the parade.
How: We need all families to come through the parade in their cars. If using a car is not possible for this day, we ask that families use bikes in a safe manner.
Additional Notes: Please adhere to the time slots of your child’s class to create a consistent traffic flow. However, siblings are welcome to come together at one time if easier. In addition, it would be helpful if you could write your child’s name on a sheet of paper or poster board and display through the front/right car window.
School Supplies for Fall 2022-23 school year
Park Hill families are able to order school supplies for next year's classes. We buy school supplies in bulk which helps to provide a discount to families. It is not mandatory to use this service, but we do encourage it as it saves families money and it also allows students to have similar materials. Each kit is $55. The school receives a small portion of the sales from each kit.
Order Securely Online Starting Now thru June 12th! Supplies are shipped to the school and students will receive school supplies on the first day of school.
2. Enter the school ID, PAR387 (3 letters/3 numbers)
3. Follow the directions to complete your order. Choose the grade level your student will be next fall!
4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.
Supply lists are available through the link above as well if you would like to purchase them on your own.
For questions, please contact Catherine Powers catherine_powers@dpsk12.org or Ann Kurth akurth@dpsk12.net.