Happy Friday Park Hill Families,
Students had a blast celebrating Halloween this past Tuesday. We loved seeing all the smiling faces and creative costumes. Thanks to all of our adult supporters during the parade and volunteers who helped in the classroom. Our teachers and staff greatly appreciate the support!
These next few weeks I’d like to highlight all the amazing work our support staff does. This past week our custodial crews worked hard clearing the sidewalks after the snows, cleaning the building during the parties, and responding to all the various needs that come with a 100+ year old building. A special thank you to Mr Chuck, Ms Charmaine, Mr Lloyd and Mr Travis for all that they do! Please thank them if you see them around the building!
The next 2 months will go by in a flash. Take a look at the school calendar to note upcoming days off. Information on how the district makes the call on snow days can be found here. Let’s hope for a touch more of fall before winter rolls in.
Ken Burdette,
Special note from the PTSA: Last Call
Celebrate and support 130 years of Park Hill Elementary at Tessa Delicatessen this Sunday, November 5, from 6p-8pm. Park Hill parents and chef/owners Vince and Jess Howard have created a special adults-only evening featuring incredible food, cheer and a toast to strengthening our community since 1894! Space is limited, reservations are required at the link below.
Get your tickets today! This special event is not limited to Park Hill parents so please forward to community members as well!
More details are below in the PTSA section!
Bike Rack
We loved seeing the bike racks being well utilized this fall. There were many days where they were in fact full. We’d love to accommodate every bike, scooter, and other various rolling means to the school. The office is looking into some grant opportunities, but in the past community members have had some to donate. If anyone has a lead on a large, heavy-duty bike rack, please reach out to the front office.
Mindfulness at Park Hill
Just in time for Halloween week, this week we are focusing on Mindful Eating. Remembering to savor our food (and avoid tummy aches in the process). (You can find more details in the video description).
As a supplement to the in-person sessions, you can watch the video "Mindful Eating: Halloween Edition” with them: https://youtu.be/1aaxKw3mvzc?feature=shared. You can access the entire video library HERE. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at SustainableThree@gmail.com or #303-898-9496. ~"Miss Liz"
Liz Rutledge
Middle School Tours
Some schools have already started tours! Here’s a list of commonly attended middle schools for PHE 5th graders to consider. This is by no means comprehensive though so please do your research!
Bill Roberts K-8 school Denver Green School -(720)424-7480
Office need: Youth pants for K-2nd students
We could use some spare pants for students that have spills or accidents. We only need smaller sizes at this time. If you have anything that you can pass along, we would be really appreciative.
Reminder: Daylight Savings change - Fall Back on November 5
The daylight savings time change will be on Sunday, November 5. Clocks will fall back one hour. Enjoy these last few evenings of later sunsets!!
TESSA 130th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Tickets LAST CALL!!
In celebration of 130 years of Park Hill Elementary, join us for a curated, multi-course dinner with pairing on Sunday Nov 5th, hosted by Park Hill parent owned Tessa Delicatessen, and your very own PHE Principal Ken Burdette. We will dine and cheers to 130 years of PHE excellence. Tickets are $130 each, and a portion goes back to our school! Seating will be limited. This will be a very special event! Make it a date night, or a night with friends.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party! Our Super Mega Awesome Dance Party (SMADP) Fundraiser is looking to expand our planning committee. The fundraiser will run from April 5th-April 26th followed by the SUPER MEGA AWESOME DANCE PARTY on April 26th. Our first committee meeting will be held on Thursday November 9th from 6:30-8:00pm at Culinary Dropout. If you are interested please send a text RSVP to Megan Dye 406.690.4660. Thank you for your consideration! ”
Call for Committee Service!
Thank you to all who expressed interest. We still could use help with Restaurant Night Out and Yearbook. Contact the board if you can help with those committees!
School Directory - Information needed!
Fill out this form to help us generate class lists and a school directory. You get to choose how and where your info gets shared.
Park Hill Auction - Feb 23rd 2024
We are 4 months away from the PTSA’s biggest fundraiser. Check here for weekly updates. Theme and more details coming soon. In the meantime, our 2024 Auction Webpage is coming alive!
2023 - 2024 PTSA Calendar
Nov 5th: 130 celebration dinner at Tessa
Nov 13th: PTSA Meeting, School Library, 5:30 pm
Nov 17th: Coffee with Ken, 8:20, School cafeteria
Feb 23rd 2024: The Park Hill Elementary School Auction!
April 26th: Super Mega Awesome Dance Party!
Members’ corner:
Stay tuned for more updates in upcoming Panther Pages