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Panther Pages, September 16, 2022


Dear Park Hill Families:

Happy Friday. I hope this message finds you well. I want to remind everyone that this coming Monday, we will conduct our semester emergency drills. These emergency drills are a requirement within Denver Public Schools. Understandably, these drills may seem scary, and I wish we lived in a world where these were not necessary. Nonetheless, we have an obligation to teach our kids about emergencies and to teach our kids how to respond in a safe manner to an emergency situation. Please reach out if you have any specific questions related to these emergency drills. Please note: We conduct these drills at the beginning of each semester. We also do a fire drill monthly. Our priority is always to ensure your child’s Safety First.

-Ken Burdette, Principal

Picture Day note

This year the dates assigned to us by Lifetouch for student pictures are October 4th and 5th. The 5th coincides with Yom Kippur. Families that are planning to take the 5th off for observance can have their student’s picture taken on October 4th or, alternatively, on November 10th which is the retake date.

Enrichment Programs start Next Week

Please double check the times and dates for your child’s Enrichments (see attached file). Pick up for students will be on the back playground. Kindergarteners and first graders are picked up by the enrichment coordinators at dismissal and delivered to their classrooms. Older children can stop by the office if they are unsure of where their enrichment is located. Thanks to all of our participating families for their patience as we rolled out the lottery system this year. Please look over the schedules carefully for the enrichments your child is enrolled in as some end earlier than others or have scheduled days off.

Equity Corner Colorado has big gaps in who finishes college. Can a post-pandemic push turn the tide? our Collaborative School Committee Park Hill is looking for 2-3 parents to join the Collaborative School Committee (CSC). The CSC meets once every 6-8 weeks in the afternoons or early evenings. What is the CSC? The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is an advisory group that consists of representation from parents, community, faculty, administrators and classified staff. Purpose:

  • To enhance student achievement and school climate by engaging the school community in collaborative efforts supporting the school and District’s goals.

  • To provide strategic direction in support of the school’s mission and vision as stated in the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP). The UIP, with the school’s program design, should serve as the strategic plan for the school.

  • Works collaboratively with the school community that includes the building principal, teachers, staff, students, parents, civic and business leaders, service and neighborhood representatives, and other community members

  • Establishes relationships with parents, community members, civic, service and neighborhood organizations to increase involvement in the school and provide a forum for community input

Reminder: Vision, Hearing, and Dental Screenings DPS provides free vision, hearing, and dental screenings for all students in identified grades (ECE, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). The screenings do NOT replace professional exams. You must notify our school nurse, Wendy Harper ( directly should you wish to REFUSE/OPT OUT of any of the free screenings for your student. The health screening components of vision and hearing will be completed on: October 6, 7, 10 with a rescreen on October 11. Parents/guardians of students who were absent or who did not have optimal hearing, vision or dental screening results will be notified in writing regarding the results. Reminder: Scout Pack 286 Invitation - Sept 22 at 6:30 PM Boys and Girls, K-5th Grade, are invited to join current members and leadership of Pack 286 at our JOIN SCOUTS PACK MEETING SEPT 22 at 6:30pm. Parents and guardians can learn about our pack, ask questions about scouting, and obtain details about membership for the upcoming school year. Questions? Call Shaun @ 303.229.0674 or email Park Hill United Methodist Church (Enter Via Doors at Back Parking lot) - 5209 Montview Blvd

PTSA Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting on Monday. We approved our updated bylaws and our budget for the year! PTSA meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30 pm in the school library. Childcare is provided.

  • Our next meeting will be Monday, October 10th

Auction Meeting

Interested in our school auction? Join the committee meeting on Sunday Oct 2 at the Abbey Tavern. Here is the LINK to the evite. Questions? Email:

Colorado Rapids - Park Hill Night

Colorado Rapids vs FC Dallas, Saturday, October 1st at 1:30PM

Tickets are $28 for the Park Hill Section, parking included. Bring friends and neighbors! To purchase visit

The Rapids will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Park Hill Elementary PTSA. If you have any questions, please contact Derek Gosselin at or 720.662.6270

Direct Giving Party & Movie Night | SING 2!!!!

We are excited to host our Direct Giving Party & Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, October 7th! This evening is your opportunity to meet other families, make new friends and catch up with old friends while enjoying music and a movie under the stars. People typically bring blankets or chairs and sit on the field while socializing and watching a movie at dusk. There will be food trucks, bounce houses, and SING 2 will play on a huge screen in the grass. This is also an opportunity to donate money directly toward your teacher’s wish list items, which will be used during the 2022/23 school year. SAVE THE DATE as you won’t want to miss this fun event! The party starts at 5:30pm, the movie will start around sunset ~ 7pm. Note: We do need volunteers to help make the night successful. Please sign up HERE.

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School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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