Happy Friday!
Hope this message finds you well. As we complete our second week of school, I am incredibly grateful for the support and partnership of our PHE families. Thank you for your help in making these first two weeks a positive experience for all of us.
A few parents have inquired about a Back-to-School Night. We are currently working on plans for future in-person events, including the opportunity to visit the classroom and meet with the teacher. On October 7th, we will host our Movie Night and Direct Giving event (more details can be found below in the PTSA section). During the week of October 10th, we will host our Parent-Teacher conferences, which will offer both an in-person option and a virtual option. Please mark your calendars and save the dates for these events. More details to come soon.
Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable 3-day weekend. We will see you back at PHE on Tuesday, September 6th.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
Enrichment Programs - Sign-up TODAY - Tues, Sept 6th
This year we are doing a lottery in hopes of making it a more equitable experience for all families. Please refer to an email you received this morning for a list of the available Enrichments and details on how to sign-up and important deadlines to register!
Lunch Menu changes - Sept 6 and 7
Menu for Tuesday, Sept 6th
Cheeseburger with sweet potato tater tots and curly fries -or-
Roasted chicken legs with mash potato
Menu for Wednesday, Sept 7th
Pizza day from Black Jack pizza (no sub sandwiches served)
Kiss and Drop will start week of September 12th
The Kiss and Drop lane will open up in two weeks. Please refer to the website (under ‘Bell times, drop off and pickup information’) if you have questions about how the Kiss and Drop lane works. If the weather and your schedule accommodate it, please consider walking or riding!
HGT/GT testing for grades 1,3,4 and 5
The fall testing nomination window is now open through October 14. This nomination form is for families seeking Gifted and Talented (GT) identification and/or placement at a Highly Gifted and Talented (HGT) Magnet Site. This series of cognitive tests provide us with information for potential HGT or GT identification. Qualifying scores will be put into a body of evidence as 1 data point toward identification. Ultimately 3 qualifying data points are needed for formal identification.
The testing will occur during the testing window of Oct 24 - Dec 2. All kindergarteners and 2nd graders in DPS are given an HGT/GT screening test and do not need to apply. Questions? Mary Lauth - mlauth@dpsk12.net. The application is available online at http://gt.dpsk12.org. Near the top of the page, you should see ‘HGT Testing Nomination Process’.
Reminder: Activity Fees
Thank you to all of our families that have paid their student’s activity fees. Payment can be made on the PTSA website, or please bring cash or checks (Payable to ‘Park Hill PTSA’) to the school office for $45/student. Contact Ann in the office for scholarship requests.
Reminder: Recorder orders for 4th and 5th grade
Your student will learn how to play the soprano recorder in music class this year. Each student will need a recorder beginning in October. If you are interested in purchasing a recorder through the school, please bring $5.00 cash or check payable to Park Hill School to Ms. Ann in the office by FRIDAY, September 9th. Please reach out to Ms. McClelland if you need help covering costs or have questions. Here is the model we are using: Yamaha YRS-24B Ivory 3-Piece Soprano Recorder w/Standard Fingering
5th Grade Talent Show - Parent Volunteers needed
The 5th grade talent show is a cherished tradition at Park Hill that is run by a committee of volunteers. Our previous committee has continued on to middle school, and we are in need of establishing a new one! Please reach out to Ms. McClelland if you are interested, and please help spread the word.
Children’s Center Enrichment Programs
Park Hill Children's Center is offering after school enrichment programs specifically for 5-8 year olds.
Mondays Sept. 12 - Oct. 24 in Children’s Center gymnasium from 4pm-4:45pm - HERO Kids Sports offering an introduction and skills practice for 6 basic sports at $120 for the program.
Wednesdays Sept. 7 - Oct. 26 in an upstairs Children’s Center classroom from 4pm-4:45pm - Snapology, a STEAM program with LEGO based curriculum at $80 for the program.
To register, email: parkhillchildrenscenter@gmail.com
Student Activity Fee
Please make sure and get your payment in for the student activity fee. These fees are used for field trips and virtual learning experiences and are $45/student. You can pay online here, or cash and checks are accepted in the school office. If you need a scholarship to cover this expense, please email Ann Kurth for information.
Direct Giving/Movie Night
We are excited to host our Direct Giving Party/Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, October 7th! This evening is your opportunity to meet other families, make new friends and catch up with old friends while enjoying music and a movie under the stars. People typically bring blankets or chairs and sit on the field while socializing and watching the movie at dusk. This is also an opportunity to donate money directly toward your teacher’s wish list items, which will be used during the 2022/23 school year. SAVE THE DATE as you won’t want to miss this fun event!
Crosswalk Monitors
We still have openings for Crosswalk Monitors! If you can help out for either the morning or afternoon shift, please sign up here: Crosswalk Monitor sign up - September 2022. Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered your time!
Room Leaders/Parents
We are finalizing room leaders and will reach out next week with more details.
Things to Remember
Set-up Cashback programs: Amazon Smiles, King Soopers & Givebacks
