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Panther Pages, September 21, 2023


Happy Friday Park Hill Families,

Thanks to the parents that joined us this morning for ‘Coffee with Ken’. During these forums, I try to give an update on current school topics and then leave it open for questions or concerns. All of our families are invited to attend and if there is ever a topic that you’d like to address please let me know!

Students are working hard in classes, and the staff and I are really pleased with how students have jumped into the school year. I always enjoy seeing students’ confidence grow in their skills and abilities throughout the year.

A couple of important items to note:

  1. No school this Friday, Sept 22nd.

  2. October Count will be October 2nd. Please try to have your student here during that day. Attendance on Count day determines our school budget. If your students are sick, it is ok to keep them at home.

  3. Our Direct Giving / Movie Night will be Oct 6th. This PTSA-run community event is one of three major fundraisers for the school during the year. We hope you and your family can join us - it is always a fun-filled event on the back playground. The event is free to attend and any financial contributions go directly to supporting your students and teachers.

Thanks for your support with getting this year off to a great start.

Ken Burdette, Principal

Vision, Hearing & Dental screening on Oct 4-6

DPS provides free vision, hearing, and dental screenings for all students in identified grades (Early Childhood Education, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). The screenings are NOT an assessment or an evaluation and do NOT replace professional exams. Mass screening is considered best practice to identify students who may be at risk for health concerns affecting the student’s ability to learn, and who may need extra support to reach academic benchmarks.

The health screening components of vision and hearing will be completed at your child’s school on: October 4, 5, 6 with a rescreen on October 9. Please contact Wendy for any questions or concerns about the health screenings. Parents/guardians of students who were absent or who did not have optimal hearing, vision or dental screening results will be notified in writing regarding the results.

You must notify our school nurse, Wendy Harper ( directly should you wish to REFUSE/OPT OUT of any of the free screenings for your student.

**Please complete** - Healthy School Meals for All application

All students in DPS will have access to free, healthy, nutritious school meals this school year thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All program approved by Colorado voters! While meals will be provided for free to all DPS students through Healthy School Meals for All, families will still need to complete a form to ensure DPS gets full access to available federal funding.

This year, the district is asking for 100% participation for all DPS families regardless if you do or do not qualify for meal benefits. The deadline is September 29th.

Please fill out the You Benefit! form ( as soon as possible! Thanks to those families that have already completed this. Please call or email the office if you need help finding your students’ ID number. These are available in the DPS Parent Portal.

Mindfulness at Park Hill

Hello Park Hill Panther Families!

Has your child come home talking about Mindfulness? Have you noticed them putting their hands on their bellies, closing their eyes and breathing mindfully? Mindfulness sessions are going well and the children are very receptive.

This week, we practiced a few techniques to raise their happiness level and I gave them a specific coping skill to deal with triggering events, which was helpful during the practice drills this week.

We also introduced Mindful Listening. If you and your child are interested, watch the video "Mindful Listening" with them. You can access the entire video library HERE. If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me at . ~"Miss Liz"

Liz Rultedge

Reminder: Gifted and Talented Cognitive Testing

The fall nomination window is open for CogAT testing. You can use this link to sign up. All submissions are sent directly to the GT office for rostering.

Sign-up is available for all students except:

  • Students in Kindergarten and 2nd grade (These students will take part in our GT universal screening this fall.)

  • Students identified HGT or ME (magnet eligible)

  • Students who took the spring 2023 CogAT

The sign up window is open through October 13. Communication will be sent to all families that signed up shortly after the window closes.

Reminder: Recorders (4th & 5th grade students only)

Each student will need a recorder beginning in October. Ms McClelland has some new recorders available for purchase for $5.50, as well as some used (clean) recorders to give away first come first serve. Students do not need a brand new recorder.


Direct Giving Party & Movie Night

We are excited to host our Direct Giving Party & Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, October 6th! This evening is your opportunity to meet other families and catch up with old friends while enjoying music and a movie under the stars. People typically bring blankets or chairs and sit on the field while socializing and watching a movie at dusk. There will be food trucks, bounce houses, and a movie on a huge screen in the grass. This is also an opportunity to donate money directly toward your teacher’s wish list items, which will be used during the 2023/24 school year. SAVE THE DATE as you won’t want to miss this fun event! The party starts at 5:30 pm, the movie will start around sunset ~ 7pm.

We’re now looking for volunteers! Sign up below to help with everything from set-up to manning tables! Early birds get the good field seats 🙂

You can donate in person or online. We’ll also post online access to donate to the wish lists prior to Movie Night. Watch here and on Social!

Call for Committee Service!

Been wondering how to get involved? We’ll be using October to bring our committees together to plan our work for the school year! Interested in volunteering, or even just learning more? Fill out the Microsoft form below and we’ll be in touch!

Reminder - we need volunteers for Direct Giving/Movie Night NOW! The link is above.

Reminder: Park Hill Night at the Rapids; October 21

Enjoy a night surrounded by your friends and neighbors where you cheer on our Rapids! A portion of all ticket sales will go back to the school. One of our easiest fundraisers that also doubles as a great social and community building activity!

Get your tickets here:

There will be NO PTSA Meeting in October, but we will be setting up Committee meetings.

2023 - 2024 PTSA Calendar

  • Friday October 6th: Direct Giving and Movie Night

  • October 9th: Auction meeting, 7pm

  • October committees - TBD

  • Saturday October 21st: Park Hill Night at the Rapids Friday,

  • Feb 23rd 2024: The Park Hill Elementary School Auction!

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School Phone:  (720)424-4910
School Fax:  (720)424-4935
Office Contact: Ann Kurth


©2022 by Park Hill Elementary

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