Happy Friday PHE Families:
I am excited to invite you to our Movie Night and Direct Giving Party next Friday night, October 7th. This is a great opportunity to mingle with your Park Hill neighbors, meet new families, and let the kids run around and play. The weather looks promising, and we are happy to offer Food Trucks, bouncy houses, and a movie (Sing 2). More details are in the flyer below.
This event is free and open to anyone. You are welcome to bring additional family members, friends, and neighbors.
We are also using this as an opportunity to donate financially to the school for those in a position to be able to do so. More details about donation opportunities can be found at this links: https://app.memberhub.gives/phedirectgiving/Campaign/Details
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to a great PHE evening.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
October 3rd is October Count
On Monday, October 3rd, schools throughout the state of Colorado perform attendance counts. These counts determine funding allocations for schools and are vital for our budget and ensuring staffing and school support for your children. Please have your student attend on Monday, even if it is for a smaller portion of the day. The exception to this is if your child is sick, please keep them at home. Every classroom with on-time, perfect attendance will receive extra ROAR tickets and an extra recess to be determined by their teacher.
Equity Corner
The Park Hill Elementary Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) committee’s mission is to engage, support, and empower the PHE community around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The committee is made up of parents and PHE staff.
This year at PHE, one of the ways the DEIB committee aims to help strengthen our school community is by supporting the school staff and administrators in implementing Restorative Practices as an alternative to traditional responses to discipline at school. Over the past few years, the PHE staff has been trained to use some of the principles of Restorative Practices when handling situations in which students have caused harm to others. This year, the staff will further develop their skills with the support of Denver Public Schools experts. Additionally, school leaders are working to train a group of 5th grade student leaders to also develop their skills to facilitate restorative conversations. Mr. Burdette, Mrs. Bixby, and School Psychologist, Emily Ward, will be involved in the conversations, and are invested in supporting the students to lead this effort.
What are Restorative Practices?
Restorative Practices are a set of skills for building community and responding to challenging behavior based on structured conversations.
The Goal of Restorative Practice:
The goal is to work with students to create more investment in the well-being of all members of the student body of PHE. Student leaders will be empowered to help their peers find resolutions to problems, and will develop skills that will support them in becoming community members that know how to face challenges.
Further Resources:
This video talks about how restorative practices are beneficial to schools:
This shows how restorative practices can be helpful in many aspects of our lives:
Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or if you have any resources to share as we reinvest in the journey into restorative practices.
If you are interested in getting involved in the DEIB committee or want to share your experience at the PHE community, please email parkhill.DEIB.committee@gmail.com.
Job opening at Park Hill!
Interested in jumping into a fast moving, exciting position that works with your student’s schedule? Park Hill is looking to hire an office support person for Tuesdays and Thursdays (and potentially additional hours depending on flexibility). The Office team works directly with school administration, teachers, and students to support the daily needs of the school including enrolling and registering students, website and newsletter development, providing support to families, supporting the nurse, helping with school events, and so much more! You would work along with one or two other Office support members each day along with our Administrators in a fun, supportive atmosphere and initial training would be provided. If you think you might be interested in the position or have any questions, please reach out to Principal Burdette or the front office team members for more details.
School Tours starting in October
PTSA volunteers and staff members will be leading school tours for prospective families starting October 12th at 9:30am. If you have neighbors, friends, or family who might be interested in a Tour, encourage them to signup on the parkhillelementary.org website events page.
Reminder: Picture Day ordering
Picture day will be October 4th and 5th. Your student’s teacher will notify you of which day they are scheduled. Packets were sent home with students last week for ordering photos. Alternatively, photos can be ordered at mylifetouch.com. Our school ID for the ordering process is: EVTJ6KG22. As a reminder, October 5th is Yom Kippur. If your student will be gone from school that day, please have them prepared for photos on October 4th and let their teacher know.
Greater Park Hill Community Fall Festival
GPHC is holding a Community Fall Festival in the City of Axum Park (MLK and Birch St) on Sunday, October 9 from 2-5 pm. Join us in celebrating our community with FREE food, face painting, games, and more! For more information: (303) 388-0918; www.greaterparkhill.org. Presented by Greater Park Hill Community, Inc.
Direct Giving Party & Movie Night | SING 2!
Reminder: We are excited to host our Direct Giving Party & Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, October 7th! The party starts at 5:30, with the movie at sunset. There will be food trucks, (Yuan Wonton, OG Burgers and Black Diamond Apizza, Ba-Nom-a-Nom) bounce houses, and SING 2 will play on a huge screen in the grass (bring blankets and chairs). This is also an opportunity to donate money directly toward your teacher’s wish list items, to be used during the 2022/23 school year.
Note: This is a Direct Giving event. You can donate at any time at the event or before, by going to this link:
IMPORTANT! We STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to help make the night successful. If you’re able to help, you can sign up HERE.
Colorado Rapids - This Saturday
Colorado Rapids vs FC Dallas, Saturday, October 1st at 1:30pm
Tickets are $28 for the Park Hill Section, parking included. Bring friends and neighbors! https://rapids.ksetickets.com/ParkHill
Questions? Derek.Gosselin@TeamKSE.com or 720.662.6270
Auction Meeting - This Sunday
Interested in our school auction? Join the committee meeting on Sunday Oct 2nd at 4pm at the Abbey Tavern.
Questions? Email auction@parkhillptsa.com
Restaurant Night Out
Want to help support Park Hill Elementary just by eating dinner? The entire month of October, any time your family orders from Scratch Kitchen using the PARKHILL promo code, Park Hill Elementary will get 10% of that sale. This isn't just a Restaurant Night Event, it's a Restaurant MONTH event. Scratch Kitchen enables you to choose fully customizable meals so even picky kids will find a healthy, satisfying option!
