Happy Friday Park Hill Families,
We are incredibly grateful for the community's show of support at the auction. This year we raised an estimated $220,000!! These funds will support our teachers and staff by allowing us to maintain the paraprofessionals, nursing, and mental health staff at the school. We feel these resources are critical to our educational mission and providing support for our students. We are all humbled by the generosity of our incredible Park Hill community and, as always, so thankful for our PTSA team!
We are looking forward to our spring music and dance performances that kick-off next week! Students have been practicing for months and are very excited to show off their hard work! Enjoy the weekend!
- Ken Burdette, Principal
Reminder: Don't miss our 1st and 2nd Grade Performances Next Week!!!
Wednesday, March 15 Thursday, March 16
5pm Peterson/Kline 5pm Wiant/Goodwin
6pm Wren/Holly 6pm Harris/Oxman
**Students should arrive 15-20 minutes before their performance and meet in the music room
PHE College Spirit Day on March 24
In honor of March Madness, on Friday, March 24, Park Hill will be having a College Spirit Day. Kids are welcome to wear clothes with college logos on them, college jerseys, or colors from their favorite college team.
-Park Hill CARE Committee and ROAR Team
Community: Nuggs Fundraiser for Luis Garcia’s family
Nuggs is hosting a 2-day fundraiser to support the family of Luis Garcia. The fundraiser is on March 14 & 15 from 4-7pm.
Reminder: Report Cards
Second term grades are now available for your children through the Parent Portal link at https://myportal.dpsk12.org/. Make sure to click on Term 2 to get the most current grades. Questions about specific grades should be directed to the appropriate teacher. If you need your child’s student ID number (it is the same as their Chromebook logins so many students have them memorized) you can contact the front office. Here’s a quick tutorial if you have questions.
Reminder: Summer Connections Registration Link is Live!
Denver Public Schools (DPS) is beginning enrollment for Summer Connections for all eligible families currently in kindergarten to fourth grade. The new EAL program will offer free classes in core subjects to enrolled students, allowing them to get ahead of critical course material and get a head start on the upcoming school year. For more information, please check out the Summer Connections website at https://www.dpsk12.org/academics/summer-connections/ . To enroll your student in the free summer program, go to https://myportal.dpsk12.org/. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here. It is our understanding that Summer Connections spots may be limited and that they may be filled by those that enroll first. If you are planning to enroll, we would encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience.
Reminder: Lacrosse Gear Drive
Hi Park Hill Elementary families! Our names are Gage Sawyer and Alex Cohen, and we are currently enrolled at East High School. We are starting a Lacrosse gear drive in order to get more kids playing Lacrosse regardless of their needs. If you are interested in helping our drive and have extra lacrosse equipment that is still in good condition, it would be greatly appreciated if you could drop it at the locations below:
1916 Fairfax St
9102 E 24th PL
Mr. B's office at PHE
Community: Park Hill Children’s Center
The Park Hill Children's Center is again partnering with Snapology, a children's engineering experience program, to offer two 5-week sessions for 5-9 yrs starting March 15 (Superheroes) and April 19 (Kinder Bots robotics). Families are welcome to drop off and pick up their child at PHCC or we can collect them with our regular crew for an additional fee. Register by emailing parkhillchildrenscenter@gmail.com. Wednesdays from 4-4:45pm.
Fun stuff: Discounted/Free ski passes for kids for 2023/24 ski season
Epic SchoolKids (K-5th) - https://www.epicpass.com/info/epic-schoolkids.aspx
Four days of free skiing at Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, and Crested Butte for 2023/24 ski season
Kids Ski Passport (3rd-6th) - (not yet open for 2023/24 but you can sign up to get notified) https://www.coloradoski.com/passes-and-deals/ski-passport/
Massively discounted ski passes to 20 resorts
Thank you, PHE Parents, Guardians and Neighbors for such a successful Park Hill Elementary Auction! We raised an estimated $220,000 ensuring Park Hill Elementary maintains the elevated services to meet the needs of our children. Congratulations and Thank You! We are at the tail end of reconciling all bids but if you log in to the auction site and notice something missing from your invoice simply email aution@parkhillptsa.com and we'll look into it for you. There are still a few items for purchase if you're interested!
PTSA Meeting
Everyone is invited to join us at our monthly PTSA meetings.
Our next meeting is this Monday, March 13th at 5:30 pm
To join virtually via Google Meets:
Or dial: (US) +1 612-351-0999 PIN: 496 374 693#
Coffee with Ken
It’s a wonderful way to connect with our Principal, ask questions, learn about the school, and meet other parents!
Our next coffee will be next Friday, Mar 17th @ 8:40 am
To join virtually via Google Meets:
Or dial: +1 304-519-0892 PIN: 362 422 012#
Childcare needed for PTSA Meetings
In order to continue to offer childcare during our PTSA meetings, we are looking for volunteers to watch kids while their parents participate in the meetings. Volunteers must be 18+. You can sign up here.
Snacks for PTSA Meetings
We would like volunteers to bring snacks to our PTSA meetings. Please sign up here.
Earth Day
Join us as we celebrate Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd, through school beautification and electronic recycling! Save the date for now and we will provide more information, including ways to volunteer, soon.
Park Hill Night at the Rapids! - Save the Date
Join us for another night out cheering on our very own Colorado Rapids! This year it will be Saturday April 22nd, Earth Day (soccer balls are spheres, the earth is a sphere - coincidence?)