THINGS I NEED TO KNOW about 1st grade
Where do I drop off my student?
Wren/Boyer/Peterson Wiant/Harris
What is my student's daily schedule?
Who should I talk to if I have a question or concern, and how do I contact them?
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your classroom teacher.
Meghan Wren: Deb Peterson:
Kelly Boyer: Kristyn Harris:
Jeff Wiant:
How much homework will my student have?
While we may not have typical “homework” in first grade, the most beneficial thing you can do with your student is read. We recommend your student reading every night for 20 minutes. This can include you reading to your student, or your student reading independently - whichever they prefer. Students will also be sent home with a math workbook that comes with our curriculum. It is not
required of your student to complete pages. You will be notified each week which pages correspond with the unit we are currently learning as optional at-home practice.
What does my child need to bring to school?
If you have not already received a list of first grade supplies, it is available in the office or on the Park Hill website. If you ordered supplies online last spring, they have arrived in your child's classroom and are ready to go for Monday! Additionally, it is recommended that your student brings an extra set of clothes in a gallon bag(make sure to label with first and last name), as well as a snack and water bottle each day.
What will my child learn this year?
In first grade, we are big believers in growing the whole child. It is not just about becoming better readers, writers, and mathematicians (which we undoubtedly will), it’s also about becoming better and more respectful members of society. We will challenge your children to be leaders, not followers, and to make the right choices even when they’re surrounded by the wrong ones. We are always reminding our students that “mistakes are great,” taking risks will make us stronger, and that “fail” actually means First Attempt In Learning. Learning tools to deal with disappointment is something we practice in 1st grade. This includes how to be a good sport both when we win and when we lose, and remembering that it’s not about the prize or the reward, it’s about the hard work. Encouraging independence and reminding 1st graders that “kids can do things” will increase their confidence and reduce overall anxiety and stress (for students, parents and teachers alike!).
During Knowledge (Literacy - Vocabulary/Comprehension/Building Background knowledge), students will learn about fables and stories, the human body, early world civilizations, early American civilizations, astronomy, the history of the Earth, animals and habitats, and fairy tales. The Skills (Literacy - Foundational Skills) block provides comprehensive instruction in foundational reading skills, such as phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, language skills (including conventions of English, spelling, and grammar), as well as reading comprehension and writing instruction. In Math, first graders focus on addition and subtraction within 20, whole number relationships and place value, linear measurement in non-standard units, and reasoning with shapes and their attributes. In Social Studies, students will investigate families around the world, geography and civic engagement. In Science students will investigate animal and plant defenses, light and sound, and the spinning Earth.
How are birthdays celebrated?
We would like to make every child’s birthday a special one. As a class, we sing to each child on his/her birthday. Your child will receive something special from their teacher. As per school policy, we ask that you please do not send treats to school with your child, as they can be disruptive to our learning environment.
What is ROAR?
Our goal is to have all children be responsible for their own learning and behaviors. We will be participating in the school wide positive reward system, in which students can earn “ROAR” tickets.
“ROAR” stands for the following principles:
Respect Others. Ongoing Learning. Always Safe. Responsible Actions
What specials will my child have each day?
First graders will have specials each day from 10:15-11:05. Students will rotate between four different specials (PE, Music, Art and Dance). Your child’s teacher will email you a schedule of the specials rotation. Please make sure to send your child to school dressed appropriately for the special they have that day.
What field trips will my child participate in this year?
First Grade will go on a variety of field trips throughout the year. Field trips will be a mix of plays, museums, parks, etc. You will receive information about upcoming field trips via email from your classroom teacher.
How will my child’s teacher communicate information to parents?
Each first grade teacher will send a Friday email each week that includes what we are currently learning as well as any announcements or upcoming events.