مدرسة بارك هيل الابتدائية
مجتمع من النمو
Enrollment Information
School Choice for the 2024-25 school year is now closed for Kindergarten - 5th grade students. At this time, Park Hill School is above our projected enrollments, and we are not accepting students who live outside of our school zone boundaries for these grades. If you are not sure of how to determine your neighborhood school boundaries, please check here.
If you have recently moved into the neighborhood school boundaries and would like to enroll with Park Hill School please contact the office.
We currently have a waitlist for our ECE-4 year old classroom that accommodates 20 students. Families can still add their students to the waitlist via the DPS School Choice website. Priority is given for neighborhood students and students with siblings at the school.
We plan to start tours for the 2025-26 school year in late Fall. Please keep an eye on the website as we will post tour signups below.
PTSA: العطاء المباشر / ليلة الأفلام
خريف 2022
PTSA: مزاد جمع التبرعات السنوي
شتاء 2023
PTSA: Super ، Mega ، Awesome Dance Party 3.0.0 تحديث
ربيع 2023
جولة مدرسية
قبل أن تأتي لزيارة مدرستنا شخصيًا ، يرجى مشاهدة مقطع الفيديو القصير الخاص بنا حول المعلمين والموظفين والأنشطة في مدرسة Park Hill Elementary!